To sweeten the heart

To sweeten the heart

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Choose deep red strawberries with no yellow or green parts. Remember that they do not continue to ripen once harvested.


A tip to preserve them at home

Store them in a bowl in the refrigerator, and watch out for humidity. They are super sensitive, so avoid storing them wet or in the same container where you washed them.

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Choose deep red strawberries with no yellow or green parts. Remember that they do not continue to ripen once harvested.


A tip to preserve them at home

Store them in a bowl in the refrigerator, and watch out for humidity. They are super sensitive, so avoid storing them wet or in the same container where you washed them.

When can you get them?

All year long! We make sure that #TropicalStrawberries are always available.


Where are they cultivated?

In Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Neuquén, Tucumán, Jujuy, and Salta. Our #TropicalStrawberries come from Tucumán, Mar del Plata, and Corrientes.

This delicate fruit is also grown in China, the United States, Mexico, Egypt, Turkey, Spain, Korea, and Poland.

  • In Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Neuquén, Tucumán, Jujuy, and Salta. Our #TropicalStrawberries come from Tucumán, Mar del Plata, and Corrientes.


  • This delicate fruit is also grown in China, the United States, Mexico, Egypt, Turkey, Spain, Korea, and Poland.