A natural source of nourishment for your body

A natural source of nourishment for your body

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

I chose the apples that are healthy and without bruises. Bruises or rotten parts are indications that the fruit is not in good condition. But not so the color! Apples can be yellowish or dull and still be ready to eat.


A tip to preserve them at home

They are excellent producers of ethylene (a natural gas that accelerates ripening). So avoid keeping them in closed bags or next to other fruits that are sensitive to gas: bananas, pears, avocados.

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

I chose the apples that are healthy and without bruises. Bruises or rotten parts are indications that the fruit is not in good condition. But not so the color! Apples can be yellowish or dull and still be ready to eat.


A tip to preserve them at home

They are excellent producers of ethylene (a natural gas that accelerates ripening). So avoid keeping them in closed bags or next to other fruits that are sensitive to gas: bananas, pears, avocados.

When can you get them?

All year long! We make sure that the #TropicalApple is always available.


Where are they cultivated?

Our #TropicalApples come from Rio Negro. They are 100% national! In addition, there are large crops of this fruit in Neuquén. There are smaller-scale apple crops in other areas, such as Valle de Uco (Mendoza), 25 de Mayo (La Pampa), and Valle del Tulum (San Juan).

In addition to Argentina, the world’s largest apple producers are the following: China, the European Union, the United States, Chile, Mexico, and New Zealand.

  • Our #TropicalApples come from Rio Negro. They are 100% national! In addition, there are large crops of this fruit in Neuquén. There are smaller-scale apple crops in other areas, such as Valle de Uco (Mendoza), 25 de Mayo (La Pampa), and Valle del Tulum (San Juan).


  • In addition to Argentina, the world’s largest apple producers are the following: China, the European Union, the United States, Chile, Mexico, and New Zealand.