To feel great

To feel great

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Choose mangoes that are soft to the touch. Press them softly with your hand. The smell has to be strong and sweet.


A tip to preserve them at home

Leave them at room temperature and avoid storing them in the refrigerator. You can freeze them, too. In diced pieces and an airtight container, it’s great for smoothies!

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Choose mangoes that are soft to the touch. Press them softly with your hand. The smell has to be strong and sweet.


A tip to preserve them at home

Leave them at room temperature and avoid storing them in the refrigerator. You can freeze them, too. In diced pieces and an airtight container, it’s great for smoothies!

When can you get them?

The national mango, from December to March; Brazilian mango is available all year round.


Where are they cultivated?

They are cultivated in the north of our country. Mainly in Jujuy, Salta, Formosa, Misiones, Tucumán and Corrientes.

This fruit is also grown in India, China, Mexico, Thailand, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, and Egypt. Our #TropicalMango is Brazilian.

  • They are cultivated in the north of our country. Mainly in Jujuy, Salta, Formosa, Misiones, Tucumán and Corrientes.


  • This fruit is also grown in India, China, Mexico, Thailand, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, and Egypt. Our #TropicalMango is Brazilian.