For healthy sweet cravings

For healthy sweet cravings

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Choose the heaviest and most compact pineapples. They are ready to eat. And check the bottom: if they leak, they are probably overripe. That area should only exude a sweet, mild scent.


A tip to preserve them at home

Avoid storing them in the fridge because they can go bad. You should leave them in a cool place in your house. If you want to take even better care of them, you can cover them with plastic film and make small holes for them to breathe.

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Choose the heaviest and most compact pineapples. They are ready to eat. And check the bottom: if they leak, they are probably overripe. That area should only exude a sweet, mild scent.


A tip to preserve them at home

Avoid storing them in the fridge because they can go bad. You should leave them in a cool place in your house. If you want to take even better care of them, you can cover them with plastic film and make small holes for them to breathe.

When can you get them?

All year long! We make sure that #TropicalPineapple is always available.


Where are they cultivated?

They are cultivated in northern Argentina. In Misiones, Formosa, Salta, Jujuy, and Chaco.

This fruit is grown in Costa Rica, the Philippines, Brazil, Thailand, and Indonesia. Our #TropicalPineapple is Ecuadorian and Brazilian!

  • They are cultivated in northern Argentina. In Misiones, Formosa, Salta, Jujuy, and Chaco.

  • This fruit is grown in Costa Rica, the Philippines, Brazil, Thailand, and Indonesia. Our #TropicalPineapple is Ecuadorian and Brazilian!