To brighten up your days

To brighten up your days

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Press lightly on the base of the stem of the pears. They have to bend slightly. They should be neither too soft nor too hard.


A tip to preserve them at home

They are major producers of ethylene (the natural gas that accelerates fruit ripening). You should store them separately from all other fruits and avoid enclosing them in bags or containers. They will ripen and go bad.

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Press lightly on the base of the stem of the pears. They have to bend slightly. They should be neither too soft nor too hard.


A tip to preserve them at home

They are major producers of ethylene (the natural gas that accelerates fruit ripening). You should store them separately from all other fruits and avoid enclosing them in bags or containers. They will ripen and go bad.

When can you get them?

All year long! We make sure that the #TropicalPear is always available.


Where are they cultivated?

In Alto Valle del Río Negro and Neuquén. To a lesser extent, they are cultivated in Valle de Uco (Mendoza), 25 de Mayo (La Pampa), and Valle de Tulum (San Juan). The #TropicalPears are from Rio Negro.

China and the European Union are the principal producers of pears worldwide, and so is Argentina.

  • In Alto Valle del Río Negro and Neuquén. To a lesser extent, they are cultivated in Valle de Uco (Mendoza), 25 de Mayo (La Pampa), and Valle de Tulum (San Juan). The #TropicalPears are from Rio Negro.


  • Cameroon, Ghana, Uganda, Colombia, and Nigeria also grow this fruit. The #TropicalPlantain is Ecuadorian!