To fill our daily life with good vibes

To fill our daily life with good vibes

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Blueberries are usually packaged in plastic clamshells, but you can still choose them. Check that all berries are evenly blue and free of fungus.


A tip to preserve them at home

Store them in the refrigerator, wash them before consumption, and don’t worry about the white coating. It is totally natural. It is called “bloom,” and its function is to protect each berry.

A tip when shopping at the greengrocer

Blueberries are usually packaged in plastic clamshells, but you can still choose them. Check that all berries are evenly blue and free of fungus.


A tip to preserve them at home

Store them in the refrigerator, wash them before consumption, and don’t worry about the white coating. It is totally natural. It is called “bloom,” and its function is to protect each berry.

When can you get them?

From June to March. You can get national blueberries from July to January.


Where are they cultivated?

In Entre Ríos, Tucumán, and Buenos Aires. That’s where our #TropicalBlueberries come from! Although there are also cultivated in Corrientes, Salta, and Catamarca.

This fruit is grown in the United States, Canada, Chile, China, Poland, Peru, Mexico, Spain, and Morocco. Our #TropicalBlueberries are Chilean!

  • In Entre Ríos, Tucumán, and Buenos Aires. That’s where our #TropicalBlueberries come from! Although there are also cultivated in Corrientes, Salta, and Catamarca.


  • This fruit is grown in the United States, Canada, Chile, China, Poland, Peru, Mexico, Spain, and Morocco. Our #TropicalBlueberries are Chilean!